Federal skilled worker visa
Foreign nationals who are looking to work in Canada are most likely to obtain a closed work permit with or without Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA). This is also called and referred as Employer-specific Work Permit. An Employer-specific work permit allows foreign nationals to work according to the conditions or limitations on the work permit. It limits a foreign national to one employer and is only authorized to work for one employer, in one position, in Canada.
Federal Skilled Worker Class
In order to apply for a visa within this ‘Federal Skilled Worker’ category, you have to meet different requirements. In the first place, all candidates are evaluated based on their score on various factors. To be able to apply, you need at least 67 out of 100 points. Besides work experience and credentials, the following factors are important:
- Your age
- As mentioned, diploma’s and work experience are essential
- Your knowledge of English and/or French language is also relevant
- A job offer from a Canadian employer generates extra points
- Finally: your connections with Canada (e.g. language abilities of your partner, Canadian work experience or previous study, family in Canada)
Federal Skilled Trade Class
Employees with technical professions are frequently requested in Canada. For this reason, this separate visa category has been drawn up for people with a technical job that want to live and work in Canada. If you wish to be considered for this, you must meet various criteria for this application, as outlined below:
- At least two years of work experience in the past five years
- The job position must be categorized under the ‘skilled trade’ professions
- You can provide a job offer from a Canadian employer that has been approved by ‘Employment and Social Development Canada’
- Furthermore, you also have good English and/or French language abilities
- You meet the set professional criteria (for example registration or licenses)
Canadian Experience Class
This category is specifically for people with work experience in Canada. If you have gained full-time work experience for one year in the last three years in Canada, you may be eligible for this category. This is only possible if the position has the correct level (O, A or B) and is therefore on the NOC list. Finally, knowledge of English or French language must also be demonstrated here. Just like the aforementioned visas, a minimum CRS Score is required.
Provincial Nominee Program
Finally, the ‘Provincial Nominee Program’ also belongs to the visa categories within Express Entry. Many Canadian provinces have their own visa programs, called the PNP’s. Through these programs, the provinces can play a more direct role in the selection of immigrants. In addition, it can respond to the demand and supply within the labour market of the specific province. Therefore, each province or territory applies its own criteria and conditions.
These programs could provide further prospects if you are not eligible for the federal program. If you have a certain preference for an area you would like to live and work in Canada, ask JOJO International’s specialist about the possibilities for that area.